Entrepreneurial Fears
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Don’t Be a Stranger was featured in a book write up on Entrepreneur! titled, “7 Books to Help You Move Past Your Entrepreneurial Fears.”
7. Don’t Be a Stranger: Create Your Own Luck in Business through Strategic Relationship Building by Lawrence R. Perkins
As frustrating as it can be, the old adage is as true as ever: In business, it’s not what you know; it’s who you know. Creating a powerful network is the first step to forging your own path in business, and Don’t Be a Stranger can help you know how. Lawrence R. Perkins has compressed a whole career’s worth of wisdom into a single book, and entrepreneurs looking to take the next step can’t afford to ignore it.
Entrepreneurs who are ready to make big leaps in their careers need to be fully prepared before they do so. Preparation is a key part of courage. Reading a few of these books may not guarantee success, but they’ll show you exactly what it looks like.
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